Scientific Studies Reveal The Lucky Principles of a Charmed Life
Philosophers, scientists and gamblers alike have pondered the mysteries of lady luck from the beginning of time. Putting good luck charms and superstition aside, it’s largely accepted that a lucky day is simply a matter of random events. It’s something that just happens. If you happen to be in the right place at the right time, it’s your lucky day, right? Still, you’ve noticed that some people have lives that are more charmed than others. Why is that? Is luck just fate, or can you change it? And more importantly, if your luck in life can be changed, can your gambling luck be changed as well?
To find out why some people are luckier than others, Professor Robert Wiseman of the University of Hetfordshire conducted a scientific study of lucky and unlucky people, “The Psychology of Luck”. The details of his groundbreaking research were published in his book, The Luck Factor. The book basically reveals four personality traits or principles that lucky people have that influence the fortuitous events in their lives. And for gamblers, many of those fortuitous events will happen in a casino. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these principles are too general to overcome the odds against winning at your favorite casino game. Just take a moment and consider these principles carefully. Think about how you might be able to apply them to improve your luck as a gambler.
The Four Principles of a Living a Lucky Life
First Principle:
Maximize The Chance for Opportunities “Lucky people are skilled at creating, noticing and acting upon chance opportunities. They do this in various ways, including networking, adopting a relaxed attitude to life and by being open to new experiences.”
Second Principle:
Trust Your Intuition “Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut feelings. In addition, they take steps to actively boost their intuitive abilities by, for example, meditating and clearing their mind of other thoughts.”
”Third Principle:
The Power of Expectation “Lucky people are certain that the future is going to be full of good fortune. These expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies by helping lucky people persist in the face of failure, and shape their interactions with others in a positive way.”
Fourth Principle:
Make Good Luck out of Misfortune “Lucky people employ various psychological techniques to cope with, and often even thrive upon, the ill fortune that comes their way. For example, they spontaneously imagine how things could have been worse, do not dwell on ill fortune, and take control of the situation.”
It so happened that another man, Max Gunther, also published a book using the same title (Gunther: The Luck Factor) . It includes many of the same principles noted above as well as others. Some people believe that Gunther’s book is a better read than Wiseman’s but I’m not necessarily recommending either one. I only mention Gunther’s book because it adds at least one additional principle worth noting. He calls it ‘The Spider Web Structure’. That’s a fancy term for networking.
How can you apply the principles of lucky people to your casino gambling? Is it even possible to have control over your luck in a casino? Isn’t it strictly a matter of the odds? I assure you that these and other principles – some obviously practical and others rather mysterious – can be applied to make you a luckier person. You might be surprised at how the activities in a casino parallel those in life. There are principles to be learned that will help you be luckier on and off the casino floor. Study on those that are listed above and look for more on your next visit to
Until another time –
Gary Bryan
The Mystic Gambler
You know what my definition of bad luck is? If you follow all of “the advice”, You try to remain positive, you try your best not to do any negative actions, you apologize and learn from your mistakes when you do, and you STILL have bad luck… The literal definition of not fair. I just think it’s a force that we don’t know how to quantify. So people blame the victim… We are simply ignorant to the fact of what luck is At this point in time.
Well said.
Very well said.
Greetings Mr Gary Bry 🙂
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As the legendary Damon Runyon would say “Hope to join you in the winning circle.”
Best of Best continued success wishes.
I always say that the people they won’t do anything positive with their winnings always win. But the people that need it can’t win a dime. And thats how i feel about that.
Greetings Bryan,
Don’t Let The Odds Betray You-
An outstanding encouraging article providing insights as to how an individual’s spirit can overcome the machine’s ODDS!
Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning; the fear of losing, in any game, can prevent people from learning how to win and then !going to bat.
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What if you’re positive attitude always results in negative things happening to you? Can you explain that?
It is a mystery.