Don’t let the bean counters and odds trackers fool you. While it’s true that Video Poker and Blackjack are the best long-term games, you can definitely win serious money playing Keno. Especially when you play Four Card Keno. I play Four Card Keno when I’m too tired to concentrate on Video Poker strategy (my game of choice). I do well using my ‘mystic gambling’ system and I have a lot of fun. Plus, I’ll win a jackpot on almost every trip. That’s not to say that Four Card Keno isn’t a game of chance. It certainly is. Other than developing your own ‘mystic system’ there is no definite strategy. But I’ve learned tricks that will give you a better chance of winning jackpots, playing longer and having more fun. Oh yeah – [Read more…] about How to Play the Four Card Keno 3 Spot!
Gambling Addiction Cured By Taking Turmeric, Reported
I have long been an advocate of using turmeric and turmeric extract as an anti-inflammatory agent. And I have promoted turmeric and its many health benefits ( TurmericReport). But when I read about a lady’s comment that taking turmeric had the curious side effect of eliminating her gambling addiction, my jaw dropped! The moderator of the article at The Spokesman Review was just as surprised as I was. But what if her claim was true? What if taking turmeric really could help people quit gambling?
Now I’m a gambler and a turmeric user and I have to tell you that I haven’t noticed such an affect. But I was intrigued by the notion of using a spice to cure gambling addiction.
So I did some searching on the internet to see if anybody else might have posted something about [Read more…] about Gambling Addiction Cured By Taking Turmeric, Reported
Gambling Increases Happiness of Seniors
The overall happiness of seniors may be directly linked to their gambling. Casino gambling and busloads of seniors seem to just go together. When I watch them trampling over each other with their walkers, wheelchairs, canes, and oxygen tanks, I can’t help but see myself among them in a few more years. And as it turns out, I may be better for it. That’s because seniors that go gambling regularly are happier people. Studies show that the happiness level of elderly folks spikes sky-high when they’re gambling.
When elderly people [Read more…] about Gambling Increases Happiness of Seniors
The Art Of Urban Survival – A Book Review
In the casino of life, survival is the name of the game. Survival skills are especially important in the urban casino of life . Reading The Art of Urban Survival
– A Family Safety and Defense Manual – will put the odds of urban survival in your favor. The author covers just about every possible scenario one could be faced with in 294, jam-packed pages. Keep it handy!
Since the civilization began, man has created an artificial environment in which to live. In part, the purpose of an urban environment is to separate us from the dangers of nature and to protect us from natural disasters caused by climate and predators. However, nature’s not easily thwarted and the laws of the jungle still apply.
We may have escaped being eaten by a tiger but the tiger has been replaced by other predators – the robber, street gangs and the rapist. Though cities offer some protection from the natural disasters such as droughts and floods, we are now subject to new, man made disasters like social upheaval, war and tyranny.
In his latest book, The Art of Urban Survival , author Stephan H. Verstappen, offers simple and practical advice on how to prepare for and react to the many [Read more…] about The Art Of Urban Survival – A Book Review
Why Some People Are Just Plain Lucky
Scientific Studies Reveal The Lucky Principles of a Charmed Life
Philosophers, scientists and gamblers alike have pondered the mysteries of lady luck from the beginning of time. Putting good luck charms and superstition aside, it’s largely accepted that a lucky day is simply a matter of random events. It’s something that just happens. If you happen to be in the right place at the right time, it’s your lucky day, right? Still, you’ve noticed that some people have lives that are more charmed than others. Why is that? Is luck just fate, or can you change it? And more importantly, if your luck in life can be changed, can your gambling luck be changed as well?
To find out why some people are luckier than others, Professor Robert Wiseman of the University of Hetfordshire conducted a scientific [Read more…] about Why Some People Are Just Plain Lucky