receives many emails requesting the best patterns and the luckiest numbers to play. My normal reply to such questions is to remind them that Video Keno numbers appear in a perfectly random manner. And while the Charts and suggestions that we offer in the e-booklet do offer some ideas about patterns and where to pick your numbers, the focus is on increasing returns and bigger jackpots. Having said that, there are numerous articles written about picking ‘lucky’ patterns and numbers, one of which follows below. It is offered strictly in the spirit of sharing information and is not necessarily endorsed by and may indeed be a lot BS. But when it comes to finding lady luck – all bets are off.
Special Gold Member Offer Below
1. Video Keno numbers. How to find the winning patterns.
2. Selecting Keno Patterns
3. 4 card keno patterns
4. 20 card keno patterns
5. Multi card keno patterns
6. Popular keno patterns
7. Methods and patterns in keno
8. Keno winning patterns
9. Lucky keno patterns
10. Most common keno patterns
11. Best keno patterns to play
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I think i found a loophole in cleopatra keno.
4 numbers (random) but they habe to be grouped,
Meaning like pick 2 down numbers such as 36,46.
Then 2 more next store 38 & 48. Did it playing 50 cents last 2 days and made total profit of 80 bucks.
Ur not gonna get rich off this way but you’ll play longer. Increase bet to win more. But its very steady.
This actually happened 3 years ago. The wife and I on a routine visit to the local casino. I play the Keno machines she plays slots. Within 10 minutes I hit a 7 spot jackpot using your 9 number 7 spot strategy for 4 card keno. I was playing 25 cents a card for a nickel. I won 35,000 nickels. That’s $ 1,750. What a surprise. Thank you Mystic Gambler
I used to dream of numbers on the keno board, I played them at Charlie’s & hit 7/7 for $7,000 x3 then I never saw these numbers succession again
Same thing happened got me at Charlie’s I had a dream of seven numbers went to play with a roll of quarters at seven out of seven $7000 twice. I have never seen that pattern again so I quit chasing it
I was so happy I used your 5 Spot number’s and won &915.75 at Harrah’s Casino. Thank You
I do not understand the base numbers, and hoe to connect them even after watching the video. I like to play yhe upper left and tight quadrant. Is it just possible to see how you would do that on your seven spot chart so I can visually study it so I have a better understanding. Thanks
Your 7 spot numbers really worked for me. Thank you. I ordered your charts.
Thank you for the order and thanks for leaving a comment. Continued good luck to you. / TMG
I was just playing 4 card keno 7 spot Fridau night.
No big pay ou so i took two numbersI away and I hit a five spot for $200 thanks for your help. Do you know what a seven spot pays.
Thank yo,
Bob omohu dro
Your patterns have worked very well for me I found time and patience is the most important and being willing to be able to change your numbers around a bit